Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Push it...Push it real good...

Quick post. Just a Heavy Push here i finished today. Nothing too over the top, just more of a test to see if I could convey believable weight and resistance. Let me know what you think! Other than the last piece I did, the Weight Lifter, I've never tried these kinds of aniamtions. Despite how fundamentally important they are : P

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Let's Get Physical, PHYSICAL!

Quick post. Just an exercise I finished last night. I just wanted to work on weight and timing, so I figured something like this would help wrap my head around it. I think it turned out pretty nicelt, it I do say so myself :P But please, let mek now what you think! And thanks to everyone who stopped by for the last post. I appreciate the feedback. Peace out!

Character Weight Lift